Do mothballs or ammonia help repel wild animals?

A Living Nightmare Having wild animals in on around your property is a living nightmare. Some people get so scared of wild animals at their property that they escape the property. This pretty much tells us how wild animal invasions can be tough and serious. Because of this, people are ready to do anything to get rid of wild animals on their property.

There are people who, instead of calling a wildlife service to get rid of wild animals for them, decide to get rid of wild animals themselves with the help of products such as ammonia and mothballs. But, the question at hand is, Are mothballs and ammonia effective in repelling wild animals? Well, we will find that out together in this article so keep on with reading.

Mothballs and Mice
People use mothballs to get rid of wild animals because of the affordability and availability of those products. But, are such wild animal control products effective in getting rid of wild animals? The short answer to that question is no, mothballs aren’t effective in getting rid of wild animals and repelling the animals. Mothballs won’t get rid of wild animals. Don’t buy mothballs no matter how affordable they are because they won’t be helpful at all in your wild animal control.

Mothballs bear the name mothballs for a reason. If they worked against wild animals, they would have a different name, right? And know what? Mothballs are extremely hazardous because your child or pet may eat them not knowing they are inedible when you place them around your home for the purpose of wild animal control.

Ammonia and Wild Animals
People who have a wild animal infestation in their home will usually rely on ammonia for getting rid of wild animals. They believe that ammonia will repel wild animals because of its strong smell and make the animal leave the property.

However, people aren’t aware of the fact that ammonia won’t repel wild animals at all. Wild animals have a point in not being repelled by the strong smell ammonia because they already got used to a large number of awful smells. When these animals got used to the foul smell of sewers and swamps, they can get used to the smell of ammonia. So don’t buy ammonia for the purpose of wild animal control because ammonia is ineffective for that purpose.

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Do mothballs or ammonia help repel wild animals?

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